ProjectWise Explorer Help

To Run an Advanced Search for a Microsoft Word Document, from the Open Document Dialog

  1. Select File > Open > ProjectWise > Browse.
  2. Log in to your datasource if prompted.

    ProjectWise's Open Document dialog opens.

  3. In the Search toolbar, click the Advanced Search icon.

    The Define Search dialog opens.

  4. For this example, create a simple search that finds all documents in the datasource associated to the application "Microsoft Word".

    To do this, do the following in the Define Search dialog:

    1. Set Look for to Documents.
    2. Set Criterion Type to General Properties.
    3. Set Property to Application.
    4. Set Value to Microsoft Word.
    5. Click Add Criteria.

    The search criterion displays in the search criteria window.

  5. Click OK.

    The results of the search display in the Open Document dialog.

  6. From the Document list, select the document you want and click Open.